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 FAQ / 563
[MindStorms FAQ 2.3 How do I use the touch sensor?]
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 22:00:03 GMT
2143 times

Subject:          2.3 How do I use the touch sensor?
Content-Language: en
Topic-Level:      0
Revision:         Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13
Location:         /robotics/rcx/
Comment:          Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic

<p>The touch sensor is a 2 x 3 brick with a button on the smallest face
(the "end" of the brick) and contacts on the top of the brick. You use
a 9V connecting cable to connect the tough sensor to the RCX, and then
(using your chosen programming method, see section 3 answers below)
tell the RCX to do something when the switch is pressed or released.
Usually you will want to construct some sort of mechanism to press the
switch when the desired type of event happens -- like a bumper that
pushes the switch when any part of the front of the robot hits an
obstruction. </p>

<p>The printed instructions ("constructopedia"), CD-ROM idea area
("programmopedia") and various users online web sites give many
examples of specific applications of the touch sensor. </p>


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