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 Database / Set Inventories / blinst

How to Submit Set Inventories in BrickLink Format

When you submit a set inventory to BrickLink, it will be automatically posted to this newsgroup on LUGNET for anyone to use should they wish so. The following is a brief overview how to go about doing it:
  • Check which Sets are Not Yet Inventoried by clicking on the categories under the heading “Sets Not Yet Inventoried”.
  • Check if the Set you are about to inventory already has information on which minifigs that set contains by viewing a catalog detail page for that set. For example: Set 4558-1 shows in the top-right portion of the white area of that page that the set contains 11 minifigs. If the set already has minifigs, you do not need to and should not enter the minifigs or the parts that the minifigs consist of into that set inventory because that information is already available.
  • Reserve the Set - BrickLink has capability to reserve a set; reserve expires after 3 days if the set has not yet been inventoried by then. During the time a set is reserved, noone else can upload an inventory for that set or put a reserve on it. You can optionally delete the reserve on that set if you put a reserve on it and changed your mind about inventorying it.
  • Learn the Standards how to inventory a set in BrickLink format.
  • Upload Set Inventory into BrickLink directly through a web interface utility or use BrikTrak (powerful offline tools) to easily create BrickLink Set Inventories offline. BrikTrak also has a Tutorial how to create BrickLink Set Inventories.
  • Once your set inventory is uploaded into BrickLink, it must be first approved by an Inventories Administrator which usually takes about 24 hours.
  • Once your set inventory is approved, the LUGNET server will post the set inventory into this Newsgroup for anyone to use who wishes so.
  • In case you find any errors in the Inventories here on LUGNET which originated from BrickLink, please post corrections into the BrickLink Inventories Requests tech support group.
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