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Re: Sig-Fig Survey
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 14:10:45 GMT
1509 times
I sent pictures of my Sig-Fig to the folks at CW.  He should be posted soon
but until then here is the scoop.

1- What is your Sig-Fig's name?

Sir Andrew Greenleaf "The Black Knight"

2- What is your Sig-Fig's gender?  (Without a picture of them, it's hard to


3- What's your figgie's approximate age? (In human years) =)

95 years old (He is a half-elf and thus has a longer than average life span,
this is young middle age for a half-elf).

4- Is your figgie a good guy, bad guy, or in-between?

He is 100% good guy

5- What class is your figgie?  (Royalty, warrior, wizard, cleric, thief,

Half-Elf Warrior (of royal lineage)

6- What's your figgie's outlook on life?

Sir Andrew Greenleaf is the go between, between the elves (forestmen mini-
figs) and humans (lion themed mini-figs).  The humans did little to stop the
Dark Necromancer (Sardok Kron) when he tried to exterminate the elf population
of Krugonia.  The human population generally distrusted the elves due to their
magical abilites and secrative nature.  It wasn't until Sir Andrew was born
that he helped to unite the forces of humans and elves to resist the powers of
the Dark Necromancer.  At one time half-elves were considered undersireable
outsiders since they didn't fit well with either elves or men.  Now Sir Andrew
leads an Army composed of all half-elves in the battle against the Dark
Necromancer.  He hopes he can continue to keep the alliance of men and elves
together until the battle is complete.

7- What are your figgie's favorite things?

Sir Andrew is madly in love with his wife the Lady Nicole and their daughter

8- What are your figgie's turn off's? =)

Sir Andrew hates the intollerance between elves and men.  He sees that their
destiny is united whether they like it or not.

9- Does your figgie play well with others? (Running out of ideas here...)

Yes, except for with Sardok Kron and his evil minions.

10- If your figgie could time travel (go from one box of LEGO to another in
your room), what LEGO theme or sub-theme would he/she like to visit the most?

He would like to go to the pirate theme.

Message is in Reply To:
  Sig-Fig Survey
I think it's time we have a Sig-Fig Survey. Sure we've seen pictures of everyone's signature minifigures for Castle World and a few of them have stories to go with them, but maybe we should have a little fun and go into some details about them. =) (...) (24 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to

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