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 Castle / 8937
8936  |  8938
Re: Castle Roll Call/Survey
Mon, 14 May 2001 16:57:19 GMT
899 times
Name:  Bruce Schlickbernd
Gender:  How many Bruce's are female?
Year of Birth:  The oldest respondent yet
Mental Age/Status of Inner Child: Perpetual Peter Pan
Location:  SoCal (Southern California)
E-mail Address:
Marital Status:  Hitched.
Children:  One 10-year old.
Occupation:  Field Analyst (fancy term for computer geek)
On Lugnet Since:  Sept. 1999
On R.T.L (A.T.L) Since:  1997-98?

# of Sets in LEGO Collection: Counting would only scare me.
# of Unopened Sets in Collection:  50, usually ripening for sale (if I like
it, it's open).
# of LEGO Pieces: People keep track of this?
# of Castle minifigs: 800+
# of LEGOfests Attended:  0
# of LEGO Theme Parks Visited:  1

First LEGO Set:  Dunno - got it before *any* of the other respondents were
First Castle Set:  6105
Favorite Theme(s):  Castles and Pirates.
Favorite Set Owned:  Black Seas Barracuda
Favorite Set Wanted:  6074
Favorite Stock Castle Minifigure:  Rare Dark Forest fig with studded leather
Set/theme you would like to see:  That Medieval Village line sounds good.
Current LEGO Project:  Castle Assault rules.  Swashbuckler Fleet Rules.  The
former will have an eye towards being compatible with Musket and Pike era.
Maybe a skirmish set.

Other (Non-LEGO) Interests: Art, illustration, history, game theory and
design, Blues, Classical music, R&R, hiking, digital photography, roses,
film, ummmmm, more, but limited by lack of sleep.

LUGNET member #:  1033 (what a slacker)

The survey part:

Collective "no"
What one "retired" piece would you like to see make a comeback?
Euro armor in light gray and black.

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