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 Castle / 8934
8933  |  8935
Re: Castle Roll Call/Survey
Mon, 14 May 2001 16:00:16 GMT
780 times
Name:  James Stacey
Gender:  Male
Year of Birth:  1975
Mental Age/Status of Inner Child:  9ish
Location:  Cardiff Wales
E-mail Address:
LEGO/home page URL(s):
Marital Status:  co-habiting
Children:  0
Occupation:  Web Developer
On Lugnet Since:  mid 2000
On R.T.L (A.T.L) Since:  ditto

# of Sets in LEGO Collection:  ~250+
# of Unopened Sets in Collection:  about 10 - all small ones.
# of LEGO Pieces:  ????
# of Castle minifigs:  have to count them probably around 300
# of LEGOfests Attended:  0
# of LEGO Theme Parks Visited:  Legoland Windsor - going back there in a
few weeks

First LEGO Set:  Snack bar - 675
First Castle Set:  6080 Castle
Favorite Theme(s):  Castle
Favorite Set Owned:  6086 - Black Knights Castle
Favorite Set Wanted:  got all the castle sets bar 383 so its gotta be that
Favorite Stock Castle Minifigure:  guard with crossed axe heraldry
Favorite MOC Minifigure:  not sure
Set/theme you would like to see: More medieval town sets (any medieval town
sets :) )
Current LEGO Project:  on hold while I ship service packs to America :) I
plan to make a church soon
Other (Non-LEGO) Interests:  Live Roleplay, reading fantasy, Everquest,
console RPG's Music - 80's metal

LUGNET member #:  925

Now, the survey part:

Are you a member of Castle World?  no.
Who is your sigfig?
Are you attending Brickfest 2001?  is it in the UK? if not irs unlikely :P
Are you taking part in The Gathering?
Will you be competing in the Tournament?  .
What one "retired" piece would you like to see make a comeback?
Pitchforks, black falcon torsos

I'm not as geeky as this sounds ... honest

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