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 Castle / 8926
8925  |  8927
Re: Castle Roll Call/Survey
Mon, 14 May 2001 04:04:15 GMT
498 times
Here goes nothing!

Name:  Ryan Cassell
Gender:  Male
Year of Birth:  1983
Mental Age/Status of Inner Child:  Same age as when I saw Willow
Location:  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
E-mail Address:
LEGO/home page URL(s):  unfortunately nothing
Marital Status:  Single
Children:  0
Occupation:  Grade 12 student
On Lugnet Since:  Something in 2000
On R.T.L (A.T.L) Since:  don't know what they are

# of Sets in LEGO Collection:  170'ish
# of Unopened Sets in Collection:  you gotta be kidding!
# of LEGO Pieces:  Thank god for excel! 36 500
# of Castle minifigs:  194
# of LEGOfests Attended:  0
# of LEGO Theme Parks Visited:  0

First LEGO Set:  6591  Nitro-Dragsters
First Castle Set:  6081  King's Mountain Fortress
Favorite Theme(s):  Castle and space
Favorite Set Owned:  M-Tron Multi-Core Magnetizer
Favorite Set Wanted:  M-Tron Multi-Core Magnetizer
Favorite Stock Castle Minifigure:  European style knight
Favorite MOC Minifigure:  Curth, Karlandanon, Cerlath, Sket
Set/theme you would like to see:  Multiple series of sets and mini-figs from
differnt civilizations from the past  i.e. Atlantis, Greece, Egypt, Mongol
Set/theme you would like to see (Part 2): LEGO castles produced by LEGO
itself with the quality, parts count, and effort put into them equal to the
model team sets and castles produced by its fans.
Current LEGO Project:  Fine tuning my lego chapters for release in years to
come (when I get a digital camera)

Other (Non-LEGO) Interests:  Computer games, soccer, chess, rollercoasters

LUGNET member #:  N/A

Now, the survey part:

Are you a member of Castle World?  yes
Who is your sigfig?  Sir Locke
Are you attending Brickfest 2001?  No
Are you taking part in The Gathering?  no
Will you be competing in the Tournament?  no
What one "retired" piece would you like to see make a comeback?  The
European Armor. -ditto

-Ryan Cassell

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Roll Call (R.T.L....?)
A lot of people expressed confusion when presented with “R.T.L (A.T.L)” Myself included, could someone elaborate on “R.T.L (A.T.L)” and provide an address! (...) And Soooooooo many others! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, (...) (23 years ago, 14-May-01, to lugnet.castle)

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