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 CAD / Mosaic Maker / imageurl

Image URLs

The Image URL is the web address (or location) of the image you want to turn into a mosaic, for example:
Note: The URL of your image must end in .jpg or .gif in order for the mosaic maker to recognize its image type. (This is a restriction which may be removed in the future.)

Responsible use

Do not use this mosaic maker for unlawful purposes such as infringing upon the copyrights or intellectual property of others. You should only input URLs of images which you yourself own or have permission to use.

Privacy statement

A byproduct of mosaic generation is that image URLs you input are logged by the server. One reason is due to the way the mosaics are generated: your browser asks the server for a mosaic using a URL format like this:
where xxx represents the options you have chosen (colors, size, etc.) and yyy represents the URL of your original image. Thus, since this URL is presented to’s webserver, it is logged in the HTTP logfile just as any other URL. The log contains lines showing the URL requested and the IP address of the computer making the request.

A second reason is due to the way images are built internally: the webserver maintains a temporary private “cache” database (indexed by image URL) to improve throughput.

The image URL information you enter is considered by LUGNET to be private. Unless required by law (or unless someone steals the information somehow) the URL information you input will not be given to anyone without your permission.
All text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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