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 CAD / Mosaic Maker / colors-universal

5-Color Universal Palette

Remarkably, a five-color palette exists which works well for many images:
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. Blue
  4. Black
  5. White
Below are a few samples. On the left are the original images; on the right are the five-color mosaic counterparts (scaled down to match the size of the originals).

Original Image
   Five-Color Mosaic

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

Unfortunately, the five-color “universal” palette (not so universal after all) doesn’t handle greens and purples very well!

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

8-Color Universal Palette

Adding three additional colors (medium green, cyan, and magenta) to the palette improves results significantly:

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

   View this mosaic full-size

The main advantage of the “universal” five-color palette (red, yellow, blue, black, and white) is that it consists of the five most basic LEGO® colors, all of which have been available for several decades. It’s also an excellent starting point from which to explore other color combinations. The “universal” eight-color palette gives better results but uses uncommon colors.
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