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 CAD / Mosaic Maker / colors-custom

Custom Color Palettes

Half the fun in making a mosaic is choosing which colors to use. Generally, a small selection of colors is what will look best -- but you get to be the judge. Choosing well-balanced small palettes can be challenging, but it can also be a lot of fun. Here are some examples:

Original image...

Mosaic variations...

2 colors
2 colors
3 colors

3 colors
4 colors
5 colors

7 colors
20 colors
35 colors

When selecting colors, less is often more. The best colors are also usually those which fall close to the ones most commonly seen in your original image. Of course, it can also be fun to try out “wild and crazy” palettes, for example:

3 colors
4 colors
5 colors

(The above are made with apologies to Botticelli!)
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