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My little Sea Monkey Diorama
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 03:03:50 GMT
12501 times
Hey There .Aquazone,

Just posting a picture of my little SM diorama.
I made it awhile ago and just snapped a pic of it earlier today.
Thought i post here aboot it.
^ There be the link.

Not much to see, just a Sea Monkey goin' for a swim.

T. Deering

I might see if i can come up with a Sea Monkey MOC.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: My little Sea Monkey Diorama
Must... have... pale green Sea Monkey. Collection not complete. Must have little red crabs. Must contain need to spend... (...) (21 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: My little Sea Monkey Diorama
(...) Cute little setting there. Love the little crab! (...) I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with, given that you have done a pretty nice sea horse already! Joe Meno (21 years ago, 3-Mar-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: My little Sea Monkey Diorama
Hey, that's very cool! Just put a blue background there and it looks like the sea monkey is swimming underwater. The tan floor and the sealife and the rocks is very realistic. And all the little critters and things are cool, too. Great job! Looks (...) (21 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.aquazone)

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