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New group on Flickr created
lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, lugnet.color, lugnet.db.inv
Wed, 8 Oct 2008 17:24:55 GMT
42484 times
I have started a group on Flickr called Lego Complaining:

It’s open to the public so anyone can join. I invite everyone to come take a look at it and for all gentle readers to join if they would like to.

Here’s the group charter:

We all know that Lego is possibly one of the best building toys ever made, but let’s face it - sometimes things go wrong. Some themes and sets are a disaster (oh, say Galidor or Jack Stone for instance). Sudden color changes and poor quality control can be a pain. Set inventories can be incorrect just when you need to count on them.

Well, here’s where KFOLs and AFOLs can come together and have their voice heard. You can relate your experiences here and post pictures of any problems you have had with Lego or the Lego company.

It can be very therapeutic to talk things over. Then the healing can begin.

Any and all comments and critiques are welcome. I hope that by creating this group and directing complaints to it, the overall Lego Community will benefit and we can help make all AFOL web sites friendlier places to hang out in.


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