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 Administrative / General / 6130
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Re: the latest news
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 16:44:03 GMT
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1483 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
The ratings indicate a reaction and collective recommendation to read.  In
the .lego.* groups, which are primarily intended as a communications link to
the LEGO Comapny ( in paricular), their primary reason for
existing is to channel feedback to LEGO in a way that they can best use. • <snip>

The rating system has seriously made me (and perhaps others?) consider
returning my LUGNET membership card.  It seems to me that a few people enjoy
rating the "newsworthiness" of others' thoughts and opinions...perhaps out of
some false sense of ego or power...and the rest of us sit awaiting their
judgment :(

I know that there are some good aspects to article rating...such as filtering
noise and creating a "best of LUGNET" sort of highlight page...but I don't
think the current system is the best tool for the job.  Consider if, instead of
a 0-100 ten point scale, there was just an option to rate an article as "I
think this is noteworthy"  By default, the articles an individual didn't think
were great would sink to the bottom and articles that stood out as particularly
important would rise to the top.  The ambiguity of the ratings would be
diminished too...I don't know what a rating of "30" versus "40" means...but I
can understand "look at these articles...a majority of LUGNET members thought
these were excellent."  Simplifying the system would also eliminate some of the
subjectivity of the scores the articles receive.  Someone might think "40" is a
ok score whereas someone else might choose "60" as a low score.  There's less
confusion about a system that just uses "noteworthy" as a "good" score and lets
other messages default to "no comment."

I love LUGNET and don't know what I would do without the many resources it
provides...not the least of which is a feeling of community and commonality.
But there are trends within the community that disturb me...the creation of the
council group, the article rating system, the self-appointed "police" of LUGNET
who monitor appropriate use of the server (although I fully support the
sanction of members who break the TOS...I just feel that there is an
appropriate authority that should enforce the TOS) and the air of
self-righteousness that I feel some members of the group have and use to make
others feel less worthy.

I realize that LUGNET is an evolving community and I hope that I can continue
to be a part of it in my very small way (I assume that there are a lot of
members who are like me...infrequent posters, but nevertheless concerned
and involved in LUGNET in a quiet way)...I also wonder how many have already
left the community...

Thomas Main

Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: the latest news
Thomas Main wrote: <snip> (...) You perfectly expressed my feelings. Actually, I don't use web interface and never care about rating someone's post and/or ratings of my posts, and Todd made clear several day ago what the council is for, but they (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general)  
  Re: the latest news
(...) Well, it doesn't really mean (and isn't supposed to mean) anything profound but simply that the 40 is 10% higher than 30 on the recommendation-to-read scale. Similarly, an 80 is simply 10% higher than a 70 -- nothing profound. But the (...) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general)  
  Re: the latest news
(...) These are some serious concerns, and a while ago, I was on the verge of leaving Lugnet. I think things have taken a turn for the better. Now that Todd has clarified that the purpose of the council is not to be a panel of judges, but to be a (...) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general)  
  Re: the latest news
(...) I think the rating system is generally a good thing. I also think that some types of messages shouldn't be rated at all, especially posts announcing pictures of original creations. There was at least one case where I've seen a post like this (...) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general) ! 
  Re: the latest news
(...) I admit I do a lot of rating, I've switched over to the web interface for the most part, partly because I had to and partly because I want to rate and see ratings. Despite that, I share some of Thomas's misgivings. I know that there are people (...) (24 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general) ! 
  Ratings thrown out; changed to Highlighting (was: Re: the latest news)
(...) Thomas: First, thanks for your comments (I don't know if I've thanked you directly yet). Second, things have just been "peeled" way back to their bare essentials. The underlying system is almost the same, but it's got a completely new skin -- (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.announce) ! 

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