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Catalog of 430+ Duplo People
A catalog of 430+ Lego Duplo People released 1983-2007 with a capability of extracting Duplo People based on Duplo set number, occupation, facial features, hair and hat styles. Did you for instance know that all Caucasian Duplo girls released 1994-2003 are looking to the left, and that all Caucasian Duplo girls released 1994-2003 are looking to the left?

(I submitted this a moment ago. Please ignore my earlier submission. I just made a correction)
added on 28.05.2007 05:06 WebmasterHitIn: 0HitOut: 3210
Klasbricks about DUPLO
A guide to different LEGO DUPLO bricks like Toolo, Action Wheelers, Dacta, Train and more
added on 29.06.2006 23:01 WebmasterHitIn: 0HitOut: 3370

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