LEGO® is a registered trademark of the
LEGO Company, which does not sponsor,
authorize, or endorse this site.

The LEGO brick image is a trade dress of the LEGO Company.


One of these great brick backgrounds is perfect for your home page!
Choose from 18 different colors in 2 different sizes!

  1. Click the small patches on the left to see a larger tiled example in use.
  2. Use your browser's image capturing feature to make a copy of each background you want to use.

Terms of Use:
  1. These images are original artwork and are Copyright ©1996-2001 by Todd Lehman. You are granted the non-exclusive right to republish these graphic background images on your own web site, subject to the restrictions below.
  2. Every page you use with one of these backgrounds must include a link back to this page so that everyone knows the origin and can find all the colors. The URL for this page is
  3. You must make your own copy of any background image you use and host it on your own site. You may not link directly to the .jpg image files on this site.
  4. You may not under any circumstances republish these images as a collection or offer these images as part of a web-page or web-hosting service for other people.
  5. You may use these images as background images (for example, page backgrounds and table backgrounds) but not as embedded (e.g. <IMG>) images.
  6. You may not alter these binary image files in any way, including combining one or more images with each other or with other images, or converting them to a different file format.

Copyright ©1996-2001 Todd Lehman. All rights reserved.
Fibblesnork is a trademark of Todd Lehman.