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 Space / timeline

.space Timeline - 1999 to present

September 18 1999
   ------( Welcome to )------
September 24 1999
   Tom McDonald discovers spamcake. Its importance was unrealized... until later.
October 22 1999
   Jon Palmer posts to .space talking about some big ship.
June 9 2000
   Mark Sandlin gives us “one more little update” that becomes one of the most recognizable crafts in the history of .space.
August 5 2000
   The Galactic Shipyard is created.
October 12 2000
   Dan Jassim breaks onto the scene.
Oct 27 2000
   Todd Lehman announces the first (of a three-year running) space building contest.
November 2 2000
   Cap’n Ahnee takes the helm
November 30 2000
   Mark Sandlin debuts the Neverwhere and forever changes the way people view saucer dishes.
December 7 2000
   Mark Sandlin releases the first test of the Spamcake Drive.
March 19 2001
   Joel Kuester posts the huge Benevolent Grace MOC.
March 26 2001
   Grand Admiral Muffin Head’s official court-martial transcript
April 20 2001
   The Grand Admiral is Reinstated; people rejoice in the streets. Life is good.
May 4 2001
   Todd Trotter’s Sighthound Recon shows us the prototype superhatch and that non-violent space is still cool.
June 19 2001
   I have five questions for you, Kyle.
July 15 2001
   Joel Kuester’s VES-X displays mind boggling angles, SNOT usage and support structures that make me wonder if this this is actually made of bricks.
October 13 2001
   Jon Palmer reveals Bardiel.
November 29 2001
   Paul Hanson’s Planetoid Prospector.... aka, ‘Greeblie School’.
February 8 2002
   Jon Palmer’s Alphabet Project displays that small can also mean elegant. Fighters can take the same design and planning as large capital ships.
April 3 2002
   Little does Gil Shaw know that he’s released the beast and started (arguably) the biggest fad to ever hit .space...
April 17 2002
   Kyle Keppler creates the awesome Greengree.
June 13 2002
   Adrian Drake’s Blood Moon shows that big doesn’t have to mean boxy or grey.
June 18 2002
   The Scum strikes back!
July 1 2002
   A late night building session nets a working circular airlock.
July 26 2002
   The Moonbase Project is born.
January 10 2003
   Take your moonbabe to the top of the Luna Spire for dinner.
February 6, 2003
   Tony asks “Can’t we all get along?”
April 22 2003
June 17 2003
   Paul Baulch takes Microfig scale to a whole new level.
July 31 2003
   PCS goes Capital.
August 4 2003
   The Grand Admiral gets a Grand Spiffcraft.
September 15 2003
   Bram says bigger domes are better.
September 21, 2003
   A new 3vil emerges
September 22 2003
   Howdy, pardner! A new trend emerges.
October 22 2003
October 25 2003
   It’s for special astronauts.
October 29 2003
   Grand Admiral Sandlin takes the helm.
November 2 2003
   Welcome back to the past.
December 23, 2003
   Space loses Travis Kunce, one of our best and brightest.
January 12, 2003
   Space needs a hero with a cheesy grin.
January 13, 2004
   Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
January 15, 2004
   You’ll never find your pathetic GA!
February 2, 2004
    The low-down on Spamcake.
February 9, 2004
   Say goodbye to your donuts.
June 3, 2004
   Don’t Panic.
July 27, 2004
   The Grand Admiral is Rescued!
August 3, 2004
   Rub-a-dub-dub with the Eastern Block
August 5, 2004
   What matters most.
August 9, 2004
   The Galactic Inquisition comes to your sector
August 22, 2004
   Adrian redefines the meaning of “Large MOC”
November 4, 2004
   When Bot Dog Attacks!
December 19, 2004
   Classic-Space Forum is announced, and it is space>.

Submit an entry

If you would like to add a date to the timeline please submit an entry in the following format:
  • Link:
  • Date: September 18 1999
  • Text: A brief description of the event ( I might alter this slightly)

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