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Richard Bryan

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: star wars, mindstorms

My fascination with LEGO began... a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

I once built... a house

Someday I will build... a mansion

LEGO is great because... the bricks are tasty

LEGO fans are great because... everyone enjoys sharing new ideas and learning new techniques.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Motorcycles

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Motorcycles

My favorite Foods: deep fat fried lard

My favorite Movies & TV: I watch too much of both.

My favorite Artists: Pope, Sienciewicz

My favorite Music: hardcore

My favorite Pets & Animals: Rommel my Weimaraner

Words which best describe me: that dude on the motorcycle

I love it when... my dog falls asleep in the closet.

I hate it when... halfway through working on a vehicle I realize I need to run to the store to by a new tool.

I can't seem to get enough... sunshine.

I always seem to have enough... rain.

I hope I always... stay young.

I wish I could... sail around the world.

I could never... stay put for long.

I hope I never... stop loving life.

I wish I hadn't... hit my finger with the hammer.

In my craziest moments... I get sick.

Believe it or not... I went to school to become an artist and graduated a Computer Scientist.

If I were super-human... I would be called CAPTAIN DISASTRO!

More & Less:
  • more sunshine, less rain
  • more blue sky, less cloudy day
  • more spring, less winter

Rules I try to live by:
  1. stay out of the rain
  2. go inside when it rains
  3. do not get rained on

Formal name:
Mr. Richard Franklin Bryan, Jr.
Age: 50
Gender: M
Member Since: 1-Jan-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)


North Carolina

Personal site:
My Collection:
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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Richard Bryan and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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