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Jeff Liao
("Lego Fire Fox")

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Lego star wars.

My fascination with LEGO began... Ever since I saw one.

I once built... I once built a really awesome Mars Mission tank,

Someday I will build... In the future, I will build an awesome clone base.

LEGO is great because... Lego is cool because there are endless possibilities with imagination.

LEGO fans are great because... Lego Fans are great because they know the creativity of lego and inspire other non lego fans.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Action Figures

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Legos, reading, puzzles,

My favorite Foods: Anything that involves noodles.

My favorite Movies & TV: All movies are great.

My favorite Artists: BEETHOVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite Music: Sonata in C# minor Opus 27 No. 2

My favorite Pets & Animals: A naughty west-highland white terrier

Words which best describe me: Independent

I love it when... I get to play with legos and follow my own ideas.

I hate it when... I have to eat foods I don't like, and when I don't get enough sleep.

I can't seem to get enough... Ideas for building something.

I always seem to have enough... Imagination.

I hope I always... Will be able to build with legos everyday.

I wish I could... Go to the mall and take home every lego set in there.

I could never... Stop reading a GREAT book.

I hope I never... Become a poor man.

I wish I hadn't... done all the things that were wrong.

In my craziest moments... I will usually go to my room and work on my lego battle scene.

Believe it or not... I am crazy about legos.

If I were super-human... I would probably just rack up money from saving people and go on a lego spree.

More & Less:
  • more Peace in the world, less Violence
  • more Lego sets, less Expensive prices on lego sets
  • more People with normal lives., less People with no home and money.

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Build with legos
  2. succeed in life. then play with legos
  3. Build something great

Additional comments:

I love legos if you haven't noticed.

Formal name:
Jeffrey Liao
Member Since: 7-Mar-2011

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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