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Brian Kendig

My fascination with LEGO began... with the 6000 Idea Book, when I realized that Lego could be used to tell a story (or many stories at once) by depicting a snapshot of a regular day going on.

Someday I will build... the rest of the town on my Lego train platform.

LEGO is great because... the instructions and idea books don't have any words. I think it's genius how things can be explained visually, in ways that cross language barriers.

If I were super-human... oh, wait, I am!

Additional comments:

I've been an online Lego fan for many years now. I figured it's about time I join Lugnet.

Formal name:
Brian Kendig
Age: 53
Gender: M
Member Since: 13-Jun-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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