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Remy Evard

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: I like almost everything LEGO, but my favorite themes are Technic, Mindstorms Model Team, Train, Classic Space, and the old 70s town sets.

My fascination with LEGO began... ... right around birth.

I once built... a replica of the Fiery Phoenix from that old show The Battle of the Planets. It had around a 5 foot wingspan, and all the cars and gadgets that ship had. I also once built a big pinball machine, but that didn't work out so well...

Someday I will build... a life-size replica of a Calder. A train layout that covers all three floors of my house. A robot that sorts all of my pieces.

LEGO is great because... well, I used to say it was great because it was "analog", by which I meant that it got me away from computers. But that's no longer true, is it? It's still great because it's such a relaxing medium in which to work and play.

LEGO fans are great because... let's face it, we're all just a little nuts.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: my laptops.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: computing, snowboarding, Ultimate frisbee, disc golf, ...

Words which best describe me: intense, driven. Organized. Quick, dry humor.

I hate it when... people not only don't "get it", but they actively close their minds.

I can't seem to get enough... time.

I always seem to have enough... computers.

I wish I could... move to the mountains and still have a job as cool as this one...

More & Less:
  • more Calvin & Hobbes, less Beetle Bailey
  • more effort spent on trying to get us to Mars!!!, less right-wing politics
  • more time with my son, less late night deadlines

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Always look on the bright side of life. ("De doop. De doop de doop de doop.")
  2. When all else fails, try honest earnest communication.
  3. It's all about perspective. Frequently try out others'.

Formal name:
Remy Evard
Member Since: 20-Jan-2000

United States of America (U.S.A.)



My Collection:
Set Lists
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