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Robert Boyce

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Pirate, Castle, Train and Modular buildings

My fascination with LEGO began... the first year that I discovered a small set at the bottom of my CHRISTmas stocking.

Someday I will build... Schloss Neuschwanstein to mini-fig scale entirely of Legos.

LEGO is great because... of the durability, playability, and fantasy of its theme sets.

LEGO fans are great because... in the heart of every Lego enthusiast is an imaginative child.

I wish I could... buy the hundreds of vintage sealed Lego sets that are apparently stockpiled in European homes. Thank you for not letting your children actually play with their toys.

I could never... allow non-Lego building blocks into my collection (e.g., MegaBlocks)

I wish I hadn't... ruined my childhood Lego collection by attempting to wash the pieces in the bathtub.

In my craziest moments... I admit to other adults that I still get Lego sets each year at CHRISTmas.

Believe it or not... I don't live in my mother's basement but actually have a wife and children.

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Like Mogwai, never get your Legos wet
  2. Always have a limit in mind when you bid on vintage sealed Lego sets online
  3. Ecclesiastes 12:13

Formal name:
Mr. Robert Brooks Boyce II, MBA, CCP, CPCU
Gender: M
Member Since: 12-Mar-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)




My Collection:
Set Lists
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