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Oliver Malina
("Olli", "armengar")

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Castle at first place, Pirates, Western, Adventurers, StarWars

My fascination with LEGO began... with my first item #6080. I like it the most.

I once built... all my lego-items

Someday I will build... a huge castle out of my dubble bricks.

LEGO is great because... it´s the greatest toys and now for me for collectig and having all of my favorite themes.

LEGO fans are great because... they share my attitude to lego. I love it.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Sports in general

My favorite Foods: chocolate

My favorite Movies & TV: Gladiator, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Star Wars

My favorite Artists: No one special

My favorite Music: Nothing special

Words which best describe me: Lazy

I love it when... my girlfriend is with me, journeys

I hate it when... I´m said and when I have not enough money

I can't seem to get enough... of lego

I always seem to have enough... of lego until I´ve seen how much items appeared in US but not in Germany

I hope I always... to win in Lotto and to be health

I wish I could... see into the future

I could never... do anything I hate like stealing or damage something belonging to another

I hope I never... be very ill and alone

I wish I hadn't... do a lot of things that made life complicated

In my craziest moments... I can do everything and I´m very intelligent

Believe it or not... God is out there

If I were super-human... I would change into a normal person

More & Less:
  • more peace and harmony, less war and disharmony
  • more saving the narure, less destroying nature
  • more sharing and giving, less holding and egoism

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Use all chances life offers you
  2. Be yourself
  3. Try to be a better human-being

Formal name:
Mr. Oliver Denis Paul Malina
Member Since: 18-Apr-2001

Deutschland (Germany)

My Collection:
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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Oliver Malina and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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