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Re: I am officially curious...
Sat, 8 Dec 2001 13:58:51 GMT
379 times
Richard & All,

What has happened to Lugnet?  Where is everyone?  I don't pay attention to
the stats, but I think that frequency of posting must be at an all time low.
Am I wrong about this?  The place is as quiet as a morgue.  I keep bumping
into some of the other ghosts, but it still seems VERY slow around here...

It is a little slow lately.

And I don't just mean for a Friday night/Saturday morning, when only the
members of Insomniacs Anonymous are up.  It seems slow in general to me,
esp. during the last week or two.  I noticed this because I engage in very
few online activities except those surrounding the news and construction

Why is it so silent here? Is it our political situation?

Why would that make anyone not post to here? (Outside of all the debate
people, anyway) I would hope LUGNET would not be a focal point in which
politics is the only reason they post.

Is it the economy? Is it the paucity of good design in the forthcoming 2002 > sets?  Xmas blues? What?

Well, from my standpoint, most of MichLUG's activities and discussions are
either on Yahoo or offline lately. I know the last few posts of mine did not
get any responses, even though I asked many questions in regards to train
engines, in which I have little knowledge of. I don't mind, just my
observations. Maybe some people wonder why bother anymore.

Maybe people are getting ready for Christmas, and trying to get back to some
normalcy in life. After the last few months with me, in regards to my job,
and the events, a nice holiday is what is needed.

Also, I would rather see LUGNET quiet rather than hundreds of posts in
regards to the Scott and Larry show (Not this Scott, of course) among other
discussions like that as well.

All in all, once winter hits, and the holidays are over, I am sure traffic
will come back up, as more people stay home, etc. MichLUG has 2 events
coming up in January, ConFusion, and GATS, so a lot of people are working on
projects for that. Speaking of which, I need to work on my Shell Station!

Scott S.

Message is in Reply To:
  I am officially curious...
Hey Y'all: What has happened to Lugnet? Where is everyone? I don't pay attention to the stats, but I think that frequency of posting must be at an all time low. Am I wrong about this? The place is as quiet as a morgue. I keep bumping into some of (...) (22 years ago, 8-Dec-01, to lugnet.general)

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