
What can the model do?

Poor Function
Model is uninteresting to play with. Pieces may fall from model unexpectedly. Model breaks no new ground. Model over-uses certain pieces to its detriment. Model is uninteresting to assemble.
Good Function
Model holds interest but is clearly second to others. Model reuses existing concept in slightly new way. Model is not fundamentally different from others in its class.
Great Function
Model is very fun to play with and holds interest well. Irresistable to push it around on the floor and over obstacles, or to woosh it around the house making stupid noises. Model introduces new concept or reuses existing concept in fundamentally new way. Much thought was given to the internal design of the model.
Awesome Function
Model has enough doors, wheels, gears, widgets, springs, wings, arms, walking legs, lasers, or passageways to maintain interest for a very long time. Performs useful functions and is not gimmicky. Ideal for stop-motion animation. Almost impossible to disassemble because it is so fun much to play with. Model is fundamentally different on several levels from other models in its class -- rewrites the book on creativity with pieces. Life would not be the same without this model.