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[MindStorms FAQ 1.1 What is LEGO® MindStorms?]
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 22:06:26 GMT
2267 times
This item is a merge of the answers by Jim Baker, Kerry Garrison, and Robert

Subject:          1.1 What is LEGO® MindStorms?
Content-Language: en
Topic-Level:      0
Originator:       Jim Baker, 1998-12-28
Revision:         Kerry Garrison, 1999-01-02
Revision:         Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13
Location:         /robotics/
Comment:          Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic

<p>Answer by Jim Baker and Kerry Garrison: </p>

<p>It's a new line of LEGO products which enables people to build and
program autonomous robots with the help of the Programmable Brick,
<I>a.k.a.</I> the RCX.  You connect sensors and motors to the RCX and by
using the packaged software, RCX Code, or alternate programs (such as
BotCode and NQC) you program your robot.  The core set, The Robotics
Invention System, gives you everything you need to start making your
inventions come to life.</P>

<p>Answer by Robert Munafo:</p>

<p>LEGO&reg; MindStorms is a division of the LEGO Group of companies, which
develops and markets the LEGO&reg; MindStorms family of products. </p>

<p>The LEGO&reg; MindStorms family of products consists of a kit (9719
Mindstorms Robotics Invention System) currently available in the
United States for $200, and a series of add-on kits and accessories,
which together can be used to build a wide variety of simple
autonomous robots. </p>

<p>The LEGO group has an official web page: </p>

<blockquote><a href="">

<p>The LEGO&reg; MindStorms division and product has its own official
web page: </p>

<blockquote><a href=""> </a></blockquote>

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