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[MindStorms FAQ 3.5 What is Spirit.ocx?]
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:40:20 GMT
2190 times
Subject:          3.5 What is Spirit.ocx?
Content-Language: en
Topic-Level:      0
Revision:         Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13
Location:         /robotics/rcx/
Comment:          Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic

<p>"Spirit.ocx" is an ActiveX component (a type of dynamically loaded
software module) that runs under Windows and communicates with the
RCX.  It knows how to take compiled RCX programs and send them to the
RCX through the serial port, and receive data back from the RCX (for
monitoring, testing sensors, etc.) Some of the programming solutions
use spirit.ocx to communicate with the RCX (although they create the
RCX programs themselves). Spirit.ocx is installed when you install the
RIS software from the CD-ROM. </p>

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