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[MindStorms FAQ 4.6 How do I get more than three outputs?]
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:30:42 GMT
2035 times
Subject:          4.6 How do I get more than three outputs?
Content-Language: en
Topic-Level:      0
Revision:         Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13
Location:         /robotics/rcx/
Comment:          Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic

<p>Many simple mechanical methods involve transmissions that engage one
gear or another based on which way you turn the motor. </p>

<p>A similar approach implemented electrically is to use diodes to direct
electricity to one of two devices based on the voltage polarity. For
an example of this, see: </p>

<a href=""> </a></blockquote>

<p>You can also use a motor driving several polarity switches (available
as kit number 5120 from LEGO&reg; Shop At Home), using cam linkages so that
only one switch is on at any one time, then driving several motors (up
to four has been suggested) in parallel through the switches from a
second motor output. This approach lets you use 3 or more motors from
two motor outputs, albeit only one at a time. </p>

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