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  Re: mklist 1.6beta1
(...) Dave! (10 years ago, 22-Dec-13, to
  Re: bush lock primitives, 16 segment and inner edges.
(...) There's still the question of the interior edges though. Should they be removed or left as if? Also some of these could benefit from use of subparts, a common subpart for both 4273a and 4273b then another subpart to be used by 6577 and 4265a. (...) (13 years ago, 14-Nov-10, to
  Re: bush lock primitives, 16 segment and inner edges.
(...) I agree with what you have done to adjust bushloc2 and bushloc3 to fit 16-segment polygons: (URL) primtives is usually quite a challenge for the parts update process because all the affected parts need to be re-issued at the same time as the (...) (13 years ago, 8-Nov-10, to
  bush lock primitives, 16 segment and inner edges.
The current bushloc primitives are divided into 32 segments where as most of the normal round type primitives are divided int 16 segments. Having noticed this I uploaded new versions of bushloc2 and bushloc3. Then I looked at some of the parts where (...) (13 years ago, 6-Nov-10, to

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